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Email Address
How did you hear about this position?
What days are you available to work?
What hours or shift are you available to work?
On what date can you start working if you are hired?
Do you have reliable transportation to and from work?
Desired salary or hourly rate?
3. PERSONAL INFORMATION: Do you have any friends, relatives, or acquaintances working for Concepts by Design? Yes No If yes, state name and relationship:
Are you a U.S. Citizen or approved to work in the United States?
What document can you provide as proof of citizen status or legal status?
Will you consent to a mandatory controlled substance test?
Do you have any condition(s) which would require job accommodations?
If yes, please describe accommodations required below.
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense (felony or misdemeanor)?
If yes, please state the nature of the crime(s), when and where they were committed, and disposition of the case:
4. JOB SKILL/QUALIFICATIONS: Please list below the skills and qualifications you possess for the position for which you are applying:
5. MILITARY: Are you a member of the armed services?
What branch of the military did you enlist?
What was your military rank when discharged?
How many years did you serve in the military?
What military skills do you possess that would be an asset for this position?
High School: City
High School: Date Graduated
College or University: Name
College or University: City
College or University: Date Graduated
College or University: Degree Earned
Vocational School, Specialized Training: School
Vocational School, Specialized Training: City
Vocational School, Specialized Training: Date Graduated
PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT: Previous Employer: Name
1. Previous Employer: Job Title
1. Previous Employer: Supervisor Name
1. Previous Employer: Employer Address
1. Previous Employer: City, State, Zip
1. Previous Employer: Telephone Number
1. Previous Employer: Dates Employed
1. Previous Employer: Reason For Leaving
2. Previous Employer: Name
2. Previous Employer: Job Title
2. Previous Employer: Supervisor Name
2. Previous Employer: Employer Address
2. Previous Employer: City, State, Zip
2. Previous Employer: Telephone Number
2. Previous Employer: Dates Employed
2. Previous Employer: Reason For Leaving
3. Previous Employer: Name
3. Previous Employer: Job Title
3. Previous Employer: Supervisor Name
3. Previous Employer: Employer Address
3. Previous Employer: City, State, Zip
3. Previous Employer: Telephone Number
3. Previous Employer: Dates Employed
3. Previous Employer: Reason For Leaving
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